CBD for sex

Lost your sex drive? Don’t hesitate, rejuvenate with CBD!

Hemp & CBD Products Hempika
CBD is everywhere. And the bedroom is no exception. But can CBD really help you have happy and healthy sex? Keep reading to find out just how CBD can boost your libido, rejuvenate your sex drive, and help you rekindle the flame.

From teas to balms to cakes and massage oils, we’re seeing CBD put into pretty much everything. As we discover more about this amazing chemical, CBD is popping up in all kinds of places. And the bedroom is no exception.

What is CBD?

Since the 1970s, pharmacological research on CBD has intensified, particularly over the last few years, leading to many discoveries about the human body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS).

Just like our other systems – digestive, respiratory, etc. – our ECS gets affected by pretty much everything we do, from the things we eat and drink to the amount of sleep we get.

We still don’t know everything about the ECS by any means. But we do know that it has receptors all through our bodies, from our brains to our skin and even to our reproductive organs.

New clinical trials and research papers come out all the time showing CBD’s promising results. From treating epilepsy to skincare, a better night’s sleep, and immunity-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties, CBD is improving people’s quality of life – and sex life – across the board.

Does CBD help sexually?

There are over 100 cannabinoids – active chemicals – in the cannabis plant, from alkaloids to flavonoids, terpenoids to cannabinoids. THC might be the most famous for its potency and psychoactive properties – its ‘high.’ But its non-impairing, non-psychotropic little brother cannabidiol, or CBD, is gaining in popularity for all kinds of reasons.

The ECS is closely interwoven with the human central nervous system, where things like behavior, mood and some brain functioning occur. The ECS is also prevalent in the peripheral nervous system and plays a part in the digestive system and, importantly for us, the reproductive system.

So, it’s no surprise that CBD is being linked more and more to our sex lives because of the way it impacts our psychological and physical states, from stress and anxiety to the quality and duration of our sleep, to our hunger and appetite, epilepsy, chronic pain, and more.

Does CBD improve libido?

When it comes to CBD improving libido and sex drive, there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence. For example, in one article from 2020, researchers analyzed hundreds of posts on social media forums about CBD and found that the ‘majority [of users] claimed… wellness benefit, with most citing mental wellness,’ while some claimed ‘CBD treats sexual health conditions.’

While self-reported evidence isn’t always 100% accurate, it’s obvious that plenty of people are talking about CBD and using it to boost their sexual health.

For some harder data, one study from 2013 shows real promise. Researchers concluded that the findings supported their hypothesis: that the ECS is involved in sexual arousal in women because of ‘the location of cannabinoid receptors in areas of the brain and peripheral tissues important for sexual arousal.’

How can CBD improve sex?

People have been using plants to improve sexual performance and virility for hundreds of years, including Cannabis sativa – the hemp plant. A person’s libido can be negatively affected in all kinds of ways, including stress and anxiety, but also physical conditions like inflammation and pain.

Research suggests that the way cannabis affects the brain, the right nucleus accumbens, to be exact, might be the reason behind the aphrodisiacal properties of the plant. In fact, it could even be ‘useful in treating hypoactive sexual desire disorder, a condition marked by low sexual desire.’

CBD is also well-known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties, and being a natural anxiety buster. It’s easy to see why CBD’s effects on sexual performance, libido, and virility are being investigated more than ever before.

How can a man benefit from CBD?

Men have been using Cannabis sativa for longer than we know to try to improve their sexual performance. A traditional Ayurvedic treatise classifies the hemp plant as an aphrodisiac. It includes it in a list of plants that ‘improve ejaculatory functions,’ as well as ‘delaying the time of ejaculation.’

Because male sexual performance is often linked to raised stress and anxiety, CBD is a logical aid to improve sexual performance. CBD also relaxes blood vessels and promotes blood flow. It will be interesting to see more scientific research come out specifically on the effects of CBD and premature ejaculation as well as CBD and erectile dysfunction.

While those studies weren’t specifically about men’s erections, and there’s still no exact science on it, CBD’s giving men plenty of reasons to keep their hopes up.

How can a woman benefit from CBD?

CBD is not just for men. There are plenty of reasons why more women are bringing CBD into the bedroom, too.

There’s even been a study into the effects of cannabis on women’s libido and arousal, and its findings are exciting. The researchers concluded that it ‘appears to improve satisfaction with orgasm.’ So, good news, ladies!

One of the most important benefits of CBD for women’s sex lives can be its pain-relieving properties. For women who suffer pain during intercourse, a condition called dyspareunia, CBD offers some much-needed relief.

A 2017 review looking into potential treatments for endometriosis, a long-term condition that can affect women of any age and is often very painful, highlights CBD specifically and the ECS as a ‘relevant target for the management of endometriosis-related pain.’

CBD can also help women with menopausal symptoms, including mood regulation, immunity, pain, sleep, and temperature regulation. From reducing pain, stress, and anxiety to increasing libido, satisfaction, and pleasure, it’s easy to see why more women are incorporating CBD into their bedroom rituals.

What does the research say?

Like most science when it comes to CBD, there’s always more that can be done. While the early research looks very promising, it’s just too early to know for sure how exactly CBD improves sex drive, libido, sexual enjoyment, and performance.

The scientific studies and reviews linked in this article include in vivo and in vitro studies, meaning studies on entire organisms – like humans and animals – and studies done on samples in the lab. There are more studies published almost every day into how CBD affects the body and plenty of studies cited were published as recently as this year.

So, the science is starting to back up the stories. There are plenty of reasonable deductions and assumptions to be made about how CBD improves sex life, but, as a study from 2020 into using CBD to treat vulvodynia concludes: ‘further work is warranted.’

How to use CBD for better sex?

One of the great things about CBD is the sheer range of ways you can enjoy it as a part of a healthy lifestyle – in this case, a healthy sex-style. One of the easiest ways to use CBD for better sex is CBD oil.

CBD oil is pretty much as pure as it gets. At Hempika, we use a supercritical CO2 extraction method (sexy name, I know) and mix the full spectrum extract with cold-pressed hemp seed oil, all totally natural (which is sexy).

Using a totally natural product like CBD in the bedroom comes with obvious advantages. Like the authors of one paper in Biomed Research International point out, ‘many synthetic drugs are available and/or used to treat these problems, some of the drawbacks for these drugs include them being expensive and also their ability to provoke serious adverse effects.’

Who doesn’t like a sexy massage? So why not try bringing CBD into your sex life with a CBD body butter, balm, or massage cream. You can even get CBD lube. Just make sure you check the ingredients as some CBD sex products have crazy additives and unnecessary chemicals.

Potential downsides of CBD for sex

There are always two sides to everything, and we must always look at the counterargument. While CBD, especially CBD oil and CBD cream, show huge promise to spice up your sex life, there are a couple of side effects we need to mention.

Some studies show taking CBD can have side effects like fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, and drug interactions with some other drugs. If you’re taking prescription medications, talk to your doctor about taking CBD for sex.

The science is also pretty clear that smoking cannabis can have negative effects on the male reproductive system. One of the best things about CBD is that you can get the benefits of the amazing Cannabis sativa plant without risking the harm from smoking.

Why Hempika CBD?

There’s been a huge rise in popularity of CBD products in the last few years. One of the biggest problems consumers now face is the influx of unregulated, untrustworthy products that aren’t what they say they are.

We’re seeing all kinds of sketchy companies try to jump on the CBD bandwagon with plenty of added chemicals and poor testing. When it comes to CBD, make sure you always check each product’s quality control and history to ensure consistency in purity, strength, and quality.

We take these things seriously at Hempika. Our CBD products are 100% natural with no added chemicals, and we put all of our products through rigorous, high-performance liquid chromatography lab testing to determine twelve separate cannabinoids.

At Hempika, we go beyond simple good practice lab guidelines to bring you the highest quality, most effective CBD products that bring the benefits you expect.

Put your trust in Hempika and our products will do the rest.


Does CBD make you last longer in bed?

Taking CBD can help relaxation and lower sex-related stress and anxiety, all of which can help you last longer in bed.

Is CBD oil good for having sex?

Lots of people are using CBD in the bedroom to improve performance, ratchet up pleasure, and soothe any pain that might be associated with sex.

Can CBD increase libido?

It’s undeniable that CBD impacts our libido and sex drive in plenty of exciting ways. We just need more research to show us exactly how.

Author: B. W.


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